Tip: Pokud máš čas a prostředky, nahraj svoje odpovědi na kazetu/diktafon apod. a potom si tuto nahrávku poslechni. Pravděpodobně sám uslyšíš spoustu chyb, které děláš a budeš si je mocí sám opravit.
- What is your favorite food?
- What is your favorite meal of the day?
- What time do you usually have your meals? (you personally / in your country in general)
- Do you often go to restaurants?
- When did you last eat out? What did you have?
- What's your favorite drink (alcoholic/non-alkoholic)?
- How would you describe typical Czech / British / American etc. cuisine (way of cooking)?
- What kind of food is healthy / unhealthy and why?
- Can you cook? What is your speciality?
- How do you prepare pasta / hard-boiled egg / beef steak etc.?
- Who does the cooking in your house?
- What is the most exotic food you have ever eaten?
- Is there anything that you could never eat?
- What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?
- Do you have any special table manners in your country? How different are they from table manners in other countries?
- Do you watch TV programmes about cooking or read cook books?
- Do you agree that 'a woman's place is in the kitchen'?
- Do you agree that 'men are better cooks than women'?
- Are you a vegetarian? Why, or why not?
- Why do some people decide not to eat meat (vegetarians) or any products made of meat, milk, eggs etc. (vegans)?
- How expensive is food in your country?
- Why do some people decide to go on a diet?
- What should you eat/do if you want to lose weight and look slim?
- What kind of food/drink can help you when you are feeling ill?
- Is it possible to be addicted to any kind of food or drink?