Help for English

Questions for Oral Exams: Mass Media

ALL LEVELS Vydáno dne 02.03.2006

Připravte se na ústní zkoušku a vyzkoušejte si odpovědět na následující otázky týkající se tématu MÉDIA (Televize, rádio, noviny, internet atd.)

Přečti si následující otázky a zkus na každou otázku odpovědět nahlas tak, jako by to byla odpověď na otázku zkoušejícího u ústní zkoušky z angličtiny. Snaž se, aby odpověď byla co nejdelší, i když se na ni dá pravděpodobně odpovědět i velice stroze, např. ano/ne.

Tip: Pokud máš čas a prostředky, nahraj svoje odpovědi na kazetu/diktafon apod. a potom si tuto nahrávku poslechni. Pravděpodobně sám uslyšíš spoustu chyb, které děláš a budeš si je moci sám opravit.


  • How much TV do you watch?
  • What's you favourite TV programme? Why is it your favourite?
  • What type of TV programmes do you hate? Why?
  • What other popular types of TV programmes do you know?
  • What do you think about soap operas?
  • Do you know about the history of TV?
  • Do you think that TV is good for people? Why or why not?
  • How does TV influence people's lives?
  • Do you think that TV is the source of all evil?
  • What are the positives and negatives of TV?
  • How many TV channels are there in your country/region? What are they?
  • What is the difference between public channels and commercial channels?
  • If you could influence the nature / selection of TV programmes, what would you change? Why?
  • Do you have cable or sattelite TV? What are their positives and negatives?
  • How do you feel about TV commercials, especially when they are shown in the middle of a film?
  • What is your favourite TV commercial? What TV commercial do you hate?
  • What is a 'couch potato'? Are you a couch potato?
  • How do you get to know what programmes are on? Where can you find out?

The Internet

  • What is internet?
  • How popular is it these days? Who uses it?
  • What's your favourite website? Why do you like it?
  • What sort of information can be found on the Net?
  • What else can be found there?
  • How do you look for information on the Net?
  • Can you always rely on the information you find?
  • What are the positives and negatives of the Internet?
  • How do people get connected to the Internet?
  • Is it difficult to publish something on the Internet?
  • Do you (or anyone you know) have a website? What is it about?
  • Do you think that the Internet will replace other kinds of mass media completely? Why?
  • Is the Internet only used for legal purposes?
  • When you are using the internet, is your privacy well protected?
  • What do these terms mean: a virus, SPAM, hacker, pop-ups, spyware, adware
  • Is there a lot of unpleasant advertisement on the Internet?
  • Is there any cenzorship on the net? Should there be?


  • Do you often listen to the radio? When?
  • What's your favourite radio station?
  • Do you prefer regional channels or national ones?
  • What type of stations are popular in your country?
  • What type of programmes can you hear on the radio?
  • Do you think radio will still be used in the future? Why do you think so?


  • How often do you read a newspaper?
  • What is your favourite newspaper?
  • What is the difference between a 'tabloid' newspaper and a 'broadsheet'? Which is more popular?
  • Do people usually read regional or national newspapers?
  • Is there a lot of advertisement in newspapers?
  • Are newspapers usually biased or independent?
  • Do you subscribe to a newspaper? What are the advantages of a subscription?
  • Do you know any internationally famous newspapers?


  • Do you like reading magazines?
  • What is your favourite magazine?
  • What kind of magazines is especially popular with women? With men? With girls? With boys?
  • When do people usually buy/read magazines?
  • What do you think about women's magazines?
  • How often do magazines usually come out?
  • What kind of supplement do magazines usually have?
  • Do you know any internationally famous magazines?

Mass media in general

  • Which type of mass media do you prefer?
  • Which type of mass madia is most reliable? Which is quickest? Which is most fun? Which is most up-to-date? Which one is easiest to use?
  • Do you think that the government should control the media? Why or why not?
  • How do you think people will get information in the future?
  • How did people get information in the past?
  • What is 'information revolution'?

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Nepřečteno Questions for Oral Exams: Mass Media 1 26324 Od Marek Vít poslední příspěvek
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