Tip: Pokud máš čas a prostředky, nahraj svoje odpovědi na kazetu/diktafon apod. a potom si tuto nahrávku poslechni. Pravděpodobně sám uslyšíš spoustu chyb, které děláš a budeš si je moci sám opravit.
The Environment
- Can you describe the region where you live?
- Are there any environmental problems in your region? What are they? What are they caused by?
- Why should we care about our environment?
- Are you aware of any global environmental issues? Which of them do you think are most serious and why?
- What chemicals are especially dangerous to the environment?
- What is Greenhouse effect? What is it caused by?
- What is the ozone layer and what is its function?
- Why is the ozone hole dangerous? Why is there a hole in the layer?
- Can you protect yourself from the effects of the UV radiation?
- What is 'global warming'? Why is it a negative thing?
- What is 'ecosystem'? What is 'food chain'?
- What possible environmental problems can the future bring?
- Why is it dangerous to cut down the rainforests?
- What types of 'extreme weather' do you know? Is it connected with environmental problems?
- Have you seen any catastrophic movies connected with environmental issues (such as 'The Day After Tomorrow')? What do you think about them?
- What can we do to help our environment? (as single individuals and as a society)
- Do you agree that 'an individual cannot do anything to stop environmental problems'?
- What kinds of products are environmentally friendly and which are not? Why?
- What is recycling?
- Do you know any alternative sources of energy?
- What do you think about nuclear energy?
- What do you think about environmentalists and conservationists?
- Do you know any endangered species of animals or plants? Why are they in danger of extinction?
- Why should we protect them?