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Conversation questions: Science and Technology

ALL LEVELS Vydáno dne 18.04.2006

Zkuste si odpovědět na následující otázky týkající se tématu VĚDA A TECHNIKA

Konverzační otázky:

Science and Technology

Přečtěte si následující otázky a zkuste na ně nahlas odpovědět. Snažte se, aby odpověď byla co nejdelší, i když by se na ni dalo pravděpodobně odpovědět i velice stroze, např. ano/ne.

Tip: Zkuste své odpovědi nahrát a následně si je poslechnout. Sami si možná uvědomíte, jaké jste udělali chyby, jaká slova byste mohli použít jinak, apod. Více o metodě ‘sebenahrávání’ naleznete v článku Self-recording, nahrávání sebe sama

  • How would you characterize the age in which you live?
  • Can you name any inventions that changed people's lives? How did they change them?
  • Do you know any famous inventors? What did they invent?
  • Is there any type of modern technology that you can't imagine living without?
  • Can you imagine living without the civilization (e.g. on a desert island)? What would you miss the most?
  • What three things would you take with you if you were to spend two weeks alone on a desert island?
  • Do you understand the machines you use every day (TV, radio, car etc.)? Can you repair them if you need to?
  • Are there any negative effects of technological development?
  • What fields of science do you know? What do they study?
  • Is studying sciences interesting for you?
  • Do you know any famous scientists?

Science and ethics

  • What is cloning?
  • Why do so many people disagree with it?
  • What do you think of genetic engineering?
  • Do you think that science should enable parents to choose the sex of their baby, for example?
  • What do you think of testing on animals?
  • What do you think of brilliant scientists who discovered something very dangerous (e.g. the atomic bomb etc.)?

The future

  • What do you think the future will be like? How will people live in 100 years?
  • How do you think science will develop in the future? What things will be invented or discovered?
  • Do you like science fiction? Why, or why not?
  • Can science fiction be a prediction of future?
  • What's the best/worst sci-fi movie you've ever seen?
  • Do you think people in the future will be able to spend their holiday in space? How would you feel about such a holiday now?

These are some common sci-fi themes. Are they realistic, How do / would they affect people's lives?

  • Space travel
  • Living on other planets
  • Teleportation
  • Cloning people
  • Growing replacement organs
  • Robots
  • Immortality
  • etc.

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