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Edgar Lee Masters: Lucinda Matlock

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 15.02.2007

Báseň amerického spisovatele Edgara Lee Masterse doplňená zvukovou nahrávkou.

Lucinda Matlock, ilustrated by M. Vydrová, (c) 2007
Ilustrace: Markéta Vydrová

Lucinda Matlock

by Edgar Lee Masters

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I went to the dances at Chandlerville,
And played snap-out at Winchester.
One time we changed partners,
Driving home in the moonlight of middle June,
And then I found Davis.
We were married and lived together for seventy years,
Enjoying, working, raising the twelve children,
Eight of whom we lost
Ere I had reached the age of sixty.
I spun, I wove, I kept the house, I nursed the sick,
I made the garden, and for holiday
Rambled over the fields where sang the larks,
And by Spoon River gathering many a shell,
And many a flower and medicinal weed--
Shouting to the wooded hills, singing to the green valleys.
At ninety-six I had lived enough, that is all,
And passed to a sweet repose.
What is this I hear of sorrow and weariness,
Anger, discontent and drooping hopes?
Degenerate sons and daughters,
Life is too strong for you--
It takes life to love Life.

Think about:
  • What is the narrator's tone?
  • What is Lucinda's approach to life?
  • What is Lucinda's message to the next generation?
  • How do you understand the last two lines of the poem?

About the author:
Edgar Lee Masters (1868 - 1950) was an American poet, playwright and an author of several biographies. One of his most famous works is Spoon River Anthology (1915). It is a collection of short poems describing the life of the fictional town of Spoon River. Each of the poems is an epitaph of a dead Spoon River citizen. Each epitaph is given by the dead person themselves. Altogether, there are 212 different characters!

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Okruhy slovní zásoby: Lucinda Matlock

Autorka ilustrací:
Markéta Vydrová, výtvarnice. Zabývá se různými odvětvími výtvarné činnosti. Ilustruje knihy, především ty pro děti a mládež, maluje nejrůznější obrazy přímo na omítku zdí podle přání a také se živí batikou a malováním na oděvy. Více informací...

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