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Multiple choice: The Golden Girls

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 24.07.2008

Do textu o klasickém americkém seriálu doplníte chybějící slova (výběrem z nabídky).

The Golden Girls The Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls is a TV show which from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, and still enjoys an hour block on Lifetime. It features four women, three of are on the upper end of middle age, and one who is well beyond. The main characters are Dorothy (divorced), Rose (widowed), Blanche (widowed), and Sophia (widowed). Sophia, who is the of the girls, is Dorothy's mother, which creates an interesting dynamic. Each of the girls has a distinct role the show. Rose is the lovable, but almost intolerably dumb, character from rural Minnesota. She, like Sophia, enjoys telling long stories. Unlike Sophia's stories, rarely have any point to them. Dorothy is the former English teacher of the bunch, so her character not only makes references that the other characters don't , but also tends to try to over analyze. Blanche is the Southern Belle, and the only one of the group who continually has good luck with men, leading her to be referred to as “slut,” “trollop,” “tramp,” “hussy,” among other colorful epithets. Sophia, Dorothy's mother, is an Italian immigrant who uses her age and implied senility as an excuse constantly insult and deride the other girls. However, when needed, she is there for them. While this show is billed as a comedy, it serious issues as well. Some of the plot lines include artificial insemination, addiction, and same-sex marriage, during a time when of these was extremely controversial.

Article written by Gaijin

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Image © Touchstone Television. Použití tohoto obrázku považujeme za ‚Fair Use‘, jedná se o obrázek malého rozlišení a je umístěn na vzdělávacím nekomerčním serveru.

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