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Question Time with (intheclear)

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 12.08.2008

Přinášíme vám další exkluzivní rozhovor, tentokráte s rockovou kapelou (intheclear), kterou si jistě příznivci tohoto tvrdšího žánru oblíbí.

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Question Time with (intheclear)

(intheclear) is:

  • Andy Paul
  • Corey Heim
  • Sean Shelton
  • Clay Cook
  • John Stemmle

Rozhovor nám poskytl kytarista skupiny, Clay Cook.

intheclear logo

intheclear1. Could you in several words describe what kind of band (intheclear) is?

We are a rock and roll band. I know that's pretty cliche to say, but it's true, we really don't fit into a specific genre, we just love all music and it show in our songwriting. We're basically a group of guys, who joke around a lot, do a lot of stupid things and play in a band. We have a lot of fun at what we do, even though it's very hard work.

2. How did you come up with the name of the band and what does it really mean?

Well, it's pretty simple, the name came right off a magazine. We are thinking about band names back in 2003 and one of us looked over and saw this magazine on the floor that said such and such is "intheclear". We looked at it and thought it was just an overall awesome statement for what we wanted our music to be and what we wanted to make our music feel to people. It's just fit, we knew it right then and there.

3. How did you guys meet and when did you decide to do music together.

We all knew each other from either friends or other bands, we met back in high school, when I went to the same school as Andy's brother and Andy went to the same high school as Stem. We also knew each other by playing in other bands in the Louisville, KY Music Scene. I guess you could say we were formed out of the best musicians and bands in the scene. We've had a couple of member changes a long the way, but we've all been really good friends and everyone is best friends and brothers.

4. Are there any bands that you would like to sound like?

There isn't really a band we want to sound like, because we have so many influences. We might go into a song or riff, saying "Let's play it like this band or let's make it sounds like that" But we never but a specific label on anything. We write whatever we feel and what you hear is the result of that.

5. Which song in your 'catalog' do you like best personally (and why) and which is the band's favorite?

Well, to be honest, since we've been playing a lot of the established songs for over 5 years, our newest group of songs like "Sounds Of Traffic", "DreadRock" and "7=0" are probably our favorites even though many people haven't heard them, because we haven't recorded them yet! But, no worries, you will hear them soon.

6. What do you consider to be the band's greatest success?

I would say either playing LRS Fest 2006 in front of 10,000 people or just having the opportunity to tour the USA and see so many great bands and meet so many new people. That has probably been the best thing about being in the band.

7. What do you think is the role of rock music in the world today?

A lot of people and mostly people of a younger demographic need some form of outlet away from things. Away from school, parents, friends or just life. I think music provides universal method of that. Like many other music has saved my life. I would probably be into some bad things if I didn't have the goal of being a professional musician or even having the love of playing guitar. Although rock music is suffering right now, like everything else it's a roller coaster ride and it's has it's ups and downs.

8. What do you guys usually do after a concert?

Well, we usually have a meet and greet with fans and friends directly after the show. We try to sell merchandise and sign autographs. We just mingle and meet as many fans as we can. Of course we love to party as well. We have a really good time out on the road and at hometown show as well. Nothing is like our hometown crowd. Our fans here are amazing!

9. Are you currently working on new songs or projects?

Yes we are, we are rehearsing and writing as much as we can here in our hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. Our goal is to gain about 6 more songs and then hit the studio before the end of the year. We would like to release our second album by next spring!

10. What message would you give to our readers, students of English, over here in the Czech Republic?

If you ever have a dream follow it. We are following ours, although we haven't reached major success yet, it's brought a lot of joy to our lives. Like anything else, you're going to have your bad luck and bumps in the road, but keep trucking and never give up. Also if you ever make it over to the USA, come and say hi to us! We'd love to meet all of you! Good luck with your studies and ROCK OUT!

intheclear banner

(intheclear) on

"Drown" by (intheclear) - píseň + cvičení na doplňování chybějících slov do textu, český překlad
"Long Faces" by (intheclear) - píseň + cvičení na doplňování chybějících slov do textu, český překlad
"Dead Roses" by (intheclear) - již ukončená soutěž, kde jste měli za úkol přeložit text písně do češtiny

(intheclear) on the Internet:

(intheclear) on MySpace - stránka skupiny na MySpace - oficiální stránky skupiny (intheclear)

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