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TV vocabulary test

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 16.08.2008

Test znalosti slovíček spojených s televizí.

  1. I buy this newspaper because it has a detailed TV ________.

  2. The life of couch potatoes must have been very difficult before the ________ control was invented.

  3. Sometimes I think the people on TV think that the ________ are stupid.

  4. I always hate it when they cut to ________ in the middle of an exciting match.

  5. Robin Scherbatsky works as a news ________ for a small TV station in New York.

  6. My favorite ________ in the movie is in the middle when Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are lying in bed and talking about life.

  7. The season ________ of The O.C. made everyone cry.

  8. There are no new shows on that station, only ________ of old soaps.

  9. CNN ________ news 24 hours a day.

  10. I like the new sitcom. I've only seen a couple of ________ but it seems nice.

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Komentáře k článku
Téma Přísp. Přečteno Poslední příspěvek
Nepřečteno TV vocabulary test 10 10113 Od Marek Vít poslední příspěvek
před 13 lety