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Miscellaneous Advanced Test 5

ADVANCED Vydáno dne 09.01.2009

Test pro pokročilé angličtináře zaměřený na gramatiku a slovní zásobu.

  1. It's really difficult to discuss anything with my sister. We're simply not on the same ________.

  2. The producer was too busy ________ us but had his assistant go through the details with us.

  3. ________ parents who want me to go to Yale. I don't really care.

  4. He was still a little ________ from the anesthetic but he really had to go so he called a friend to pick him up.

  5. I couldn't get rid of this ________ feeling that there was something I had forgotten to do before I left home.

  6. It was no big deal. Why do you have to ________ so much fuss about it?

  7. Why are your eyes so red and swollen? ________?

  8. She called him a slut although he had never cheated ________ her.

  9. Some people believe that due to global warming the polar ________ will melt and that will cause serious ecological disasters.

  10. First I was afraid that I wouldn't know anyone there but then I was relieved to notice ________ familiar faces.

  11. The boss is rather ill-tempered today. Are you sure you want to enter the lion's ________?

  12. ________ more attention in class the other day, you would know the answer.

  13. I would suggest ________ a more positive approach. Guilt and fright aren't working very well, you know.

  14. God, he's so annoying. I wish ________ always trying to be the wittiest and funniest person in the room.

  15. After the shooting incident, Marissa was ________ from the Harbor School and had to attend public school instead.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

Pokračovat můžete zde:


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 1

Test pro pokročilé angličtináře zaměřený na gramatiku a slovní zásobu.


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 2

Test pro pokročilé angličtináře zaměřený na gramatiku a slovní zásobu.


Miscellaneous Advanced Test 3

Test pro pokročilé angličtináře zaměřený na gramatiku a slovní zásobu.

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