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Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test 11

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 22.03.2009

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře.

  1. They live in ________ building situated a few miles outside central Beijing.

  2. Far below, the river ________ like a tiny silver thread.

  3. I worked in a restaurant for a year before I ________ to college.

  4. The hardest thing about lecturing is the questions because you cannot look forward ________ what questions are coming.

  5. Government officials say that repairs are already ________ way and that the damage is not as bad as first believed.

  6. She always gets mad when she's treated ________ a child. She's 16 for God's sake!

  7. I don't know if it's ________ place as Paris but it's definitely worth visiting.

  8. The water ________ beer must be purified and all the ingredients must be of the finest quality.

  9. Not only ________ punk music, she's also dyed her hair green.

  10. Yesterday I finally sold the car that I ________ to get rid of for a year now.

  11. Ronna's always trying to ________ her nose into other people's business.

  12. When I was in high school, I still had my parents to fall ________. It all changed when I started college.

  13. He was ________ with envy when I told him that I hooked up with Patti last night.

  14. I asked Philip for advice concerning the job offer and he said that if he ________ it.

  15. I love the way she smiles and twiddles her ________ when she talks to me.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

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Nepřečteno Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test #11 51 20964 Od Michal Mitrega poslední příspěvek
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