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CPE: Use of English, part 1

ADVANCED Vydáno dne 13.08.2009

Cvičný test cambridgské zkoušky CPE, první část sekce USE OF ENGLISH: Cloze – doplňování chybějících výrazů do textu.

CPE, Use of English, part 1

For questions 1-15. read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.

Food for a Future

Jon Wynne-Tyson was an original thinker whose best-known book ‚Food for a Future‘ was published in 1975, In this classic work, a case was forward for can only be described as a more responsible and humane attitude towards the world’s food resources. It had gradually clear to Wynne-Tyson that the economics and ecology of meat production did not sense. What justification was , he argued, for using seven tonnes of cereal to produce one tonne of meat?

Even today, the book's succinct style makes it compulsively readable. his approach is basically an emotional one, Wynne-Tyson goes to great lengths to back every statement with considerable supporting evidence and statistical data. Thus, even of us who are widely read the subject of vegetarianism will gain fresh insights from this book. It is generally agreed that his most skilful achievement is the slow revelation of his main thesis the arguments unfold. The book concludes that a move away from an animal-based diet to which is based on plant sources is inevitable in the long-term, in of the fact that there is no sound nutritional, medical or social justification for meat eating. of whether you agree with a conclusion or not, the book certainly makes fascinating read.

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CPE: Use of English, part 2

Cvičný test cambridgské zkoušky CPE, druhá část sekce USE OF ENGLISH: Word forms – doplňování správného tvaru daných slov do textu.

CPE: Use of English, part 3

Cvičný test cambridgské zkoušky CPE, třetí část sekce USE OF ENGLISH: Gapped sentences – doplňování vhodného slova vždy do tří vět současně.

CPE: Listening, part 1

Cvičný test cambridgské zkoušky CPE, první část sekce Listening.
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