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Juno: What can happen to you in 9 months

ELEMENTARY Vydáno dne 10.02.2014

Znáte oskarový film Juno? Zde je článek z časopisu Gate.


What can happen to you in nine months

Say hello to Juno MacGuff. She’s 16 and in her junior year at Dancing Elk High School. And she is pregnant. What will Juno do? Become a young mom or give her baby away to the perfect family? Do perfect families exist? The film begins as a comedy, but becomes a serious story about people who make very difficult life choices.


She is named after the Roman Goddess, Juno. It means queen of heaven.


Clever, funny and has a sharp tongue.


She lives with her father, Mac, stepmother Bren and half-sister Liberty Bell. (What a strange name for a little girl!)

Liberty Bell – a bell in Philadelphia that rang to tell American people about their independence from Great Britain on July 8, 1776


Bad horror movies and music. Juno plays a guitar in a band. She loves the wild godfather of punk rock Iggy Pop and his band The Stooges.


Juno is in love with her schoolmate, the star runner Paulie Bleeker

Favorite food

Blue-colored frozen drinks called slushies, and candy.


She dresses like a boy – in flannel shirts, jeans and tennis shoes.

Ellen Page

Juno was played by the talented Canadian actress Ellen Page when she was twenty. This role made her famous and won her many awards. “I loved that this girl was mature in some ways, and naive in other ways. There are a lot of really intelligent teenage girls and boys who are unique and don’t just listen to Britney Spears”. Ellen Page has acted in other films like Inception, and X-men: The Last Stand.

Written by Lennie Bellew, USA
Originally published by BRIDGE PUBLISHING, Gate Magazine, December 2013

Gate Magazine, December 2013 GATE je vzdělávací neinzertní časopis pro české studenty anglického jazyka na úrovni A1-A2. Obsahuje zajímavé články, komiksy, kvízy, ukázky anglických zkoušek, soutěže. Je od nakladatelství Bridge Publishing House, které již mnoho let pro studenty vydává oblíbený časopis Bridge. Více informací naleznete na stránkách

Film JUNO na DVD byl přílohou časopisu Bridge spolu s dodatečnými materiály pro učitele.

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