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Scenery Idioms Quiz

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 05.01.2017

Kvíz zaměřený na idiomy obsahující slovíčka z oblasti krajiny a přírody (jako např. hill, mountain, lake, forest apod.)

  1. John told Deb that she was making a ________ out of a molehill when she brought up the flirting with Penny.

  2. Let's not beat about the ________ and get straight to the point.

  3. Things are looking better, but we aren't out of the ________ yet.

  4. What I found out that morning was just the tip of ________.

  5. You may dislike your schoolmates now, but somewhere down the ________ you may get to know them better and become friends.

  6. Many women feel over the ________ at thirty.

  7. Give me a call when you're in my neck of the ________. We can do something.

  8. The person I trusted the most sold me down the ________.

  9. He's going through a rough patch. I guess a change of ________ would be good for him.

  10. His drug problem started two years ago and he's been on a slippery ________ ever since.

  11. First we went to all the major sights and then a few that were a bit off the beaten ________.

  12. I'm not upset about the break-up anymore. I'm ready to move on. There are plenty more fish in the ________.

  13. You may feel like your marriage is on the ________ right now, but are you sure divorce is the best option?

  14. He wishes he had played the ________ a little bit before settling down with Liz.

  15. You're such a loser. – Bite me! Go jump in the ________ or something.

  16. She's a big fish in a little ________ when it comes to English. She's at a much higher level than the other kids in her class.

Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme! , která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.

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