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Reading: NASCAR

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 27.03.2017

Nejenže se v tomto testu dozvíte něco nového o druhém nejpopulárnějším sportu v USA, ale procvičíte si i angličtinu! Cvičení na doplňování celé věty do vynechané mezery v textu (multiple choice sentence gap fill).

Zadání: V krátkém textu jsou vynechány celé věty. Tyto věty najdete na začátku nad textem, označené písmeny A – G. Doplňujete pouze 5 vět, ale v nabídce je vět 7 – to znamená, že 2 přebývají. Vyberte v roletce možnost A – G podle toho, která věta se do místa v textu hodí nejvíce.

A – Today the cars that race in NASCAR look different from their ancestors in the 1930s.

B – They often feel surprised to learn that it is the second most popular sport in the United States (after American Football).

C – Prohibition was declared to cure the ill society and improve morals and health.

D – As you might imagine, it would be very difficult for police to catch a NASCAR driver today!

E – Over the years this tradition developed into big races that attracted thousands of fans.

F – That's why it has become so popular in the USA in the past few years.

G – People who produced alcohol were called bootleggers.

Car racing is popular all over the world, but each region has its own favorite. In Europe it’s clear that Formula 1 racing is the favorite car race. But in the United States, the favorite type of car racing is NASCAR: the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. Many Europeans have never heard of this sport.

NASCAR races started at Daytona Beach, Florida in 1948, but drivers have been racing since the invention of cars. In the early 1900s, Florida was a popular place to race cars and also a popular place to set speed records. The long straight beaches and long straight roads provided a safe place to go fast.

The time of prohibition also influenced car racing. Prohibition is the name for the time period when it was illegal to drink alcohol in the United States (from 1920 to 1933). Although alcohol wasn’t legal, people still drank it of course – they just had to be careful. Police were always chasing them. To escape the police, bootleggers drove fast cars. They were famous for their aggressive driving. Bootleggers made a lot of money selling alcohol illegally so they purchased faster and faster cars. This tradition helped NASCAR become a popular sport.

The company behind NASCAR decides the official design of the cars. All the drivers drive the same type of car. In a single race, drivers will race between 650–800 kilometers and reach speeds of 320 kilometers per hour. 

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