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Cvičení: pomocná slovesa

ELEMENTARY Vydáno dne 18.10.2018

Otestujte si znalost používání pomocných sloves.

  1. Where ________ you think he works? – It's hard to say. He may be a doctor or a teacher.

  2. ________ your sister coming for dinner on Saturday too? – I don't know, maybe.

  3. Why don't you ask her if she ________ free tomorrow? – And what if she says no, huh?

  4. My wife ________ like swimming in the sea. She prefers pools. There was a great one near our hotel last summer.

  5. I ________ see Jessica when I was at the party last night. Was she really there?

  6. Where ________ you last Friday? – I was at home with my parents. Why?

  7. Sorry, Paul ________ be able to help you next weekend. He'll be at work.

  8. You ________ to eat it if you don't want to, Paul. I'm sure, someone else will have it.

  9. What's that noise? – I think the neighbours ________ having a party again.

  10. I ________ cleaning the oven, when I heard someone enter our house through the back door.

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