Help for English

The Story of St. Valentine

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 10.02.2025

The origins of Valentine's Day and the legend of Saint Valentine.

The Story of St. Valentine

A long time ago, in ancient Rome, there was a kind man named Valentine. He was a priest. At that time, the emperor Claudius II made a law that young men could not marry. He believed that single men were better soldiers.

Valentine did not agree. He thought love was important, so he helped couples marry in secret. When the emperor found out, he was very angry and put Valentine in prison.

While in prison, Valentine became friends with the jailer’s daughter. She was blind, but some stories say that Valentine prayed for her, and then she could see again. Before he died, he wrote her a letter, signing it, “From your Valentine.”

On February 14, around the year 270, Valentine was executed. Over time, February 14 became Valentine’s Day, a time when people show love and kindness by giving each other cards, flowers, and gifts.

Recorded by Scarlett R., a native speaker from the USA, 2025

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