Vydáno dne 05.08.2010
Nejrůznější testové otázky týkající se slovní zásoby, frázových
sloves, idiomů apod. pro pokročilejší studenty.
She's a ________ student. She studies every night and never fails to do her homework.
I was ________ all week for the midterm test and I wasn't even near the pass mark!
You can't trust your ________ when you're in love!
It was just a ________ test, and we still have two months until the real test.
I made a ________ of what he looked like and hoped I would never meet him again.
How did you know Mark would be here? – It was just ________.
I get it. You like someone else. I can put ________ together.
Well done, but don't let it ________ your head. You're still far from perfect.
At first, some parents were a bit ________ about the project but then all of them signed the consent.
I don't want to overdo it, but I don't want to ________ the impression that I don't give a damn either.
I guess I need to ________ away with laziness and start working out every day.
The pieces are moved ________ around the game board.
The origin of chess ________ back to the beginning of civilization itself.
A lot of people start smoking in their teens and they never manage to ________ the habit.
How can you ________ such a demand, after all we've been through?
But you said you wouldn't go. – I've had a change of ________.
My father was a mechanic, my grandfather was a mechanic, but I was determined to break the ________ and do something more creative.
It was sunny in the morning but the weather soon ________.
Another glass of wine? – No thanks, I'll ________ to beer.
My friend ________ to Christianity when she saw a preacher who healed people.