Use of English 2

Vydáno dne 20.10.2005

2. pokračování testů zaměřených na gramatiku a slovní zásobu, vhodných pro přípravu na přijímací zkoušky na VŠ apod.

  1. I ________ him for three years now.

    1. have been knowing
    2. have known
    3. know
    4. was knowing
  2. I'd like to learn ________.

    1. ski
    2. skiing
    3. to ski
    4. to skiing
  3. Did you hear him ________ home last night? – I didn't, maybe he stayed at his friend's.

    1. come
    2. coming
    3. he came
    4. to come
  4. What are you doing under the bed? – I am looking ________ my socks!

    1. after
    2. for
    3. out
    4. up
  5. Take the number 7 bus and get off ________ the third stop.

    1. at
    2. by
    3. in
    4. on
  6. In summer, we went to ________ Switzerland.

    1. ---
    2. a
    3. an
    4. the
  7. I don't understand, can you please ________ more slowly?

    1. say
    2. speak
    3. talk
    4. tell
  8. He didn't know what ________.

    1. 's the time
    2. the time was
    3. time is it
    4. was the time
  9. If he ________, he would pass the test easily.

    1. studied
    2. studies
    3. will study
    4. would study
  10. I heard about your trip to Italy last year. It ________ wonderful.

    1. had got to be
    2. has to be
    3. must be
    4. must have been
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a, 6) a, 7) b, 8) b, 9) a, 10) d
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