Questions for Oral Exams: Schools and Education
Vydáno dne 08.03.2006
Připravte se na ústní zkoušku a vyzkoušejte si odpovědět na
následující otázky týkající se tématu ŠKOLSTVÍ, VZDĚLÁNÍ
Přečti si následující otázky a zkus na každou otázku odpovědět nahlas tak, jako by to byla odpověď na otázku zkoušejícího u ústní zkoušky z angličtiny. Snaž se, aby odpověď byla co nejdelší, i když se na ni dá pravděpodobně odpovědět i velice stroze, např. ano/ne.
Tip: Pokud máš čas a prostředky, nahraj svoje odpovědi na kazetu/diktafon apod. a potom si tuto nahrávku poslechni. Pravděpodobně sám uslyšíš spoustu chyb, které děláš a budeš si je moci sám opravit.
School and education
- How would you define the word 'education'?
- Where do/did you go to school? What do/did you study?
- What do you think of your school? What do/did you like? What do/did you hate?
- What is/was your favourite subject? Why?
- Who is/was your favourite teacher? Why?
- What is/was your best school experience? What is/was the worst one?
- Do/did you prefer male or female teachers? Why?
- Is/was there a teacher who you hated? Why?
- Do you remember much of kindergarten?
- Do you remember the first day of school? What do you remember?
- Do you agree that 'school days are the best days of our lives'? Why or why not?
- How would you define 'an ideal teacher'?
- What sort of personal qualities does a teacher need to have?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher? Is it a popular job?
- Do you think you could become a teacher? Would you like to? Why?
- What is the difference between going to elementary school, high school and college?
- What would you tell a foreigner about the Czech school system?
- At what age do children start school in your country?
- Do you think our school system is very different from other school systems?
- Do Czech students and pupils get a lot of homework?
- What kinds of punishment are there at Czech schools?
- What do you think of the corporal punishment?
- Is there much discipline at Czech schools?
- Do you agree with the saying that 'The teacher is always right'?
- How do people choose a school for themselves / for their child?
- What is the typical equipment of Czech schools?
- How are children evaluated in your country?
- What kind of exams do children and students in your country take?
- What do students have to do to get to college / university?
- Do you have to pay for schooling in your country? Do you think students should pay for their education?
- Are there many extra school activities? (trips, visits to theatres etc.)
- Is it possible to study all your life? How?
- What do you think are the positives and negatives of virtual schools and courses? (courses taken on the internet)
- What are the positives and negatives of home schooling? (children are educated at home by hired teachers or by parents)
- Do you know any alternative schools?
- How do you think children and students will study in the future?
- Some people believe that in the future people will get a computer chip in their brain and there will be no more need for classical schools. How do you feel about it?
- What did schools in the past look like?
- How important is education in your life?
- How important is education in the Czech society?
- How important are degrees and certificates?
- Are you going to study in the future? What will it be? Why?
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