Vydáno dne 15.03.2006
Vyzkoušejte si, jak znáte frázová slovesa tvořená se
slovesem TURN.
The road ahead was blocked so we had to turn ________.
The evil witch turned the princess ________ a toad.
Guess who turned ________ at my house last night! George! I hadn't seen him for months.
I hear you did some cooking yesterday. How did it turn ________?
I got an invitation letter to a dinner party, but I had to turn it ________.
If you have any problems, please feel free to turn ________ me anytime.
The TV is too loud, could you please turn it ________?
They saw him steal the money and turned him ________.
Don't forget to turn ________ the light before you go.
I have to turn ________ if they show blood on TV.