Kolokace (slovní spojení) 2

Vydáno dne 05.04.2006

Další častá slovní spojení se slovesy MAKE, DO, TAKE, GIVE a HAVE.

  1. I'm tired, let's ________ a break.

    1. do
    2. give
    3. make
    4. take
  2. Our school ________ part in an international competition.

    1. did
    2. gave
    3. made
    4. took
  3. It was a beautiful day and we decided to ________ the most of it.

    1. do
    2. give
    3. make
    4. take
  4. He hid in the wardrobe and did not ________ a noise!

    1. do
    2. give
    3. make
    4. take
  5. Do you think you could ________ something for me? I really need your help.

    1. do
    2. give
    3. make
    4. take
  6. Would you like to ________ a drink with me?

    1. do
    2. give
    3. have
    4. make
  7. In this job, you have to be able to ________ decisions quickly.

    1. do
    2. give
    3. make
    4. take
  8. During the war many soldiers were killed or ________ prisoner.

    1. done
    2. had
    3. made
    4. taken
  9. She ________ birth to twins.

    1. did
    2. gave
    3. made
    4. took
  10. Our company is ________ a lot of business with American customers.

    1. doing
    2. having
    3. making
    4. taking
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) c, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) c, 8) d, 9) b, 10) a
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