Vydáno dne 16.04.2006
Další častá slovní spojení se slovesy MAKE, DO, TAKE, GIVE a HAVE.
‘Can you ________ me a call when you get home?’
‘Dad, ________ a look at this website. What do you think of it?’
He ________ no effort to answer the phone. He just let it ring.
A kind word can sometimes ________ wonders.
‘I’m really sorry.‘ – 'It’s OK, no damage ________.'
There were five people at the table already, so we had to ________ room for Geoff when he arrived.
The competition will ________ place next week.
Professor Hill ________ a lecture on corruption trends.
Three robbers entered the bank and two people were ________ hostage.
' ________ love not war' was a famous slogan in the 60s.