Frázová slovesa 13: STAND

Vydáno dne 24.04.2006

Vyzkoušejte si, jak znáte frázová slovesa tvořená se slovesem STAND.

  1. He always used to stand ________ in the crowd because of his orange jacket.

    1. around
    2. off
    3. out
    4. up
  2. Everybody was just standing ________ doing nothing.

    1. around
    2. aside
    3. off
    4. out
  3. The firemen were standing ________ in case there was an explosion.

    1. back
    2. by
    3. in
    4. out
  4. My parents would always tell me to stand ________ straight.

    1. by
    2. in
    3. out
    4. up
  5. ‘Y2K’ stands ________ ‘Year 2000’.

    1. for
    2. up
    3. up for
    4. up to
  6. It's too difficult for you. Stand ________ and let me finish it.

    1. around
    2. aside
    3. in
    4. out
  7. Don't let anybody push you around. You have to stand ________ your rights.

    1. for
    2. up
    3. up for
    4. up to
  8. My boss hired somebody to stand ________ for Jane while she was ill.

    1. ---
    2. in
    3. out
    4. up
  9. My brother was much older and stronger than me and I could never stand ________ him.

    1. about
    2. in for
    3. up for
    4. up to
  10. The teacher told the kids to stand ________ so that they all could see the experiment.

    1. around
    2. back
    3. in
    4. off
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) d, 5) a, 6) b, 7) c, 8) b, 9) d, 10) b
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