Vydáno dne 24.04.2006
Vyzkoušejte si, jak znáte frázová slovesa tvořená se
slovesem STAND.
He always used to stand ________ in the crowd because of his orange jacket.
Everybody was just standing ________ doing nothing.
The firemen were standing ________ in case there was an explosion.
My parents would always tell me to stand ________ straight.
‘Y2K’ stands ________ ‘Year 2000’.
It's too difficult for you. Stand ________ and let me finish it.
Don't let anybody push you around. You have to stand ________ your rights.
My boss hired somebody to stand ________ for Jane while she was ill.
My brother was much older and stronger than me and I could never stand ________ him.
The teacher told the kids to stand ________ so that they all could see the experiment.