Cvičení: Přídavná jména -ED/-ING (1)

Vydáno dne 27.04.2006

Doplňte správné tvary přídavných jmen do deseti vět. Bored / boring? Shocked / shocking?

  1. It was a ________ film.

    1. bored
    2. boring
  2. She's really ________ about the holiday in Hawaii.

    1. excited
    2. exciting
  3. I found the results of the test very ________.

    1. disappointed
    2. disappointing
  4. I easily get ________ when I watch a horror movie.

    1. frightened
    2. frightening
  5. I find reading quite ________.

    1. relaxed
    2. relaxing
  6. I was ________ to hear about their wedding.

    1. surprised
    2. surprising
  7. I always feel ________ after our PE lessons.

    1. tired
    2. tiring
  8. What a ________ song!

    1. depressed
    2. depressing
  9. I am ________ by Roman history.

    1. fascinated
    2. fascinating
  10. The ending of the book was quite ________.

    1. surprised
    2. surprising
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, 8) b, 9) a, 10) b
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