Předložkové vazby (CARE, SHOUT, AGREE)

Vydáno dne 23.05.2006

Vyzkoušejte si svoji znalost předložkových vazeb se slovesy CARE, SHOUT a AGREE.

  1. Would you care ________ a cup of tea?

    1. about
    2. after
    3. for
    4. of
  2. Her parents took care ________ her children while she was in hospital.

    1. about
    2. after
    3. for
    4. of
  3. I don't care ________ your problems. I have plenty of mine.

    1. about
    2. after
    3. for
    4. of
  4. I had to shout ________ Mike so that he could hear me.

    1. about
    2. at
    3. on
    4. to
  5. He cares ________ her very much. They are deeply in love.

    1. after
    2. for
    3. of
    4. on
  6. Stop shouting ________ me! It wasn't my fault.

    1. about
    2. at
    3. on
    4. to
  7. I think we can all agree ________ Jake's positive characteristics.

    1. about
    2. on
    3. to
    4. with
  8. I feel sick! I think the food didn't agree ________ me.

    1. about
    2. on
    3. to
    4. with
  9. Her parents finally agreed ________ their wedding.

    1. about
    2. on
    3. to
    4. with
  10. After a long discussion they agreed ________ the date of their trip.

    1. about
    2. on
    3. to
    4. with
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b, 6) b, 7) a, 8) d, 9) c, 10) b
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