Tázací dovětky - test

Vydáno dne 05.06.2006

Test používání tázacích dovětků pro mírně pokročilé.

  1. I'm smarter than you, ________?

    1. am I
    2. am not I
    3. amn't I
    4. aren't I
  2. You'd like to go there with me, ________?

    1. didn't you
    2. don't you
    3. shouldn't you
    4. wouldn't you
  3. There isn't a bank in your town, ________?

    1. does it
    2. is it
    3. is there
    4. isn't it
  4. Your friends work in Prague, ________?

    1. aren't they
    2. aren't you?
    3. don't they
    4. don't you
  5. She's tired, ________?

    1. does she
    2. doesn't she
    3. is she
    4. isn't she
  6. You don't know where he is, ________?

    1. do you
    2. doesn't he
    3. don't you
    4. isn't he
  7. You need some money, ________?

    1. aren't you
    2. don't you
    3. mustn't you
    4. needn't you
  8. She had dinner at 7, ________?

    1. didn't she
    2. had she
    3. hadn't she
    4. hasn't she
  9. She'll be a bit late, ________?

    1. isn't she
    2. shall she
    3. willn't she
    4. won't she
  10. She's got three brothers, ________?

    1. does she
    2. doesn't she
    3. has she
    4. hasn't she
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) c, 4) c, 5) d, 6) a, 7) b, 8) a, 9) d, 10) d
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