Some / any / no 2

Vydáno dne 30.06.2006

Další test, díky kterému zjistíte, jak umíte používat slůvka SOME, ANY, NO a složené tvary SOMETHING, ANYBODY, NOTHING apod.

  1. Would you like ________ milk?

    1. a
    2. any
    3. some
    4. the
  2. She was silent and refused to say ________.

    1. any
    2. anything
    3. nothing
    4. something
  3. If ________ has a cell phone, please leave it right here.

    1. anyone
    2. somebody
    3. someone
    4. you
  4. Shall I send you ________ information?

    1. an
    2. any
    3. some
    4. something
  5. Help yourself. You can eat ________ .

    1. anything
    2. nothing
    3. some
    4. something
  6. If anyone ________ hungry, come with me to the dining room.

    1. are
    2. has
    3. is
  7. If anybody comes, tell ________ I'll be here in a few minutes.

    1. her
    2. him
    3. them
    4. to him
  8. Can I have ________ coffee, please?

    1. any
    2. anything
    3. some
    4. the
  9. Is there any more tea? There's ________ in the kitchen.

    1. any
    2. no
    3. none
    4. nothing
  10. He gave me ________ advice at all.

    1. an
    2. any
    3. no
    4. some
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) b, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) d, 7) c, 8) c, 9) c, 10) c
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