Slovní spojení: počasí (Weather collocations)

Vydáno dne 05.07.2006

Slovní spojení týkající se počasí všeho druhu. Říká se HARD RAIN, nebo HEAVY RAIN, nebo snad STRONG RAIN?

  1. The frost was so ________ that my car didn't start in the morning.

    1. hard
    2. heavy
    3. strong
    4. thick
  2. We heard a ________ of thunder in the distance.

    1. flash
    2. noise
    3. rumble
    4. voice
  3. It was impossible to see the road ahead through the ________ fog.

    1. dense
    2. hard
    3. heavy
    4. patches
  4. The sun is ________ at midday.

    1. hardest
    2. heaviest
    3. sharpest
    4. strongest
  5. We couldn't play football because of the ________ rain.

    1. big
    2. hard
    3. heavy
    4. strong
  6. There was a ________ breeze this morning.

    1. light
    2. minor
    3. small
    4. weak
  7. The ________ of fog will clear by midday.

    1. downpour
    2. gusts
    3. patches
    4. spells
  8. The rainy weather has caused ________ floods.

    1. driving
    2. patches of
    3. spells of
    4. widespread
  9. In the afternoon there will be some ________ showers, so take umbrellas with you.

    1. light
    2. slight
    3. small
    4. soft
  10. The situation is difficult because of rain and ________ winds.

    1. hard
    2. high
    3. spells of
    4. very
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Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) a, 4) d, 5) c, 6) a, 7) c, 8) d, 9) a, 10) b
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