Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
All kinds of birds
noun, British English - a small colourful bird (similar to a parrot) often kept as a pet in a cage
noun, British English - a male chicken, usually with colourful feathers
noun - a white bird that is used as a symbol of peace
noun - a bird that lives on or near water, it has short legs and a wide beak
noun - a very large bird that can fly and eats small animals, often called 'King of Birds'
noun - a bird that eats little animals, it can be trained by people to hunt with them
noun - a large pink bird with long legs
noun - a large white bird which is often kept on farm, it is bigger than a duck
noun - a large bird that kills and eats small animals, it is smaller than an eagle
noun - a female chicken, a farm bird that is kept for eggs and meat
noun - a large bird that lives near water, it has long legs and a long neck
noun - a very small bird that can fly backwards
noun - a farm bird that cannot fly, a hen or a rooster, people eat its meat
noun - a bird from New Zealand with a long beak, it cannot fly
noun - a very large bird from Africa, it has got a long neck and legs and can run very fast and cannot fly
noun - a bird that flies and hunts small animals at night
noun - a colourful exotic bird which people often keep as a pet, it sometimes learns to say real words
noun - a large bird with a beautiful green and blue tail
noun - a large bird with a large beak in which it can hold water
noun - a sea bird with a black and white body, it cannot fly and lives in the Antarctic
noun - a bird with a long tail, people often hunt them
noun - a grey bird that we can usually see in towns
noun - a small brown bird common in many parts of the world
noun - a large bird with long legs and a long beak, it is usually black and white
noun - a small bird that migrates in winter and eats insects
noun - a large white bird with a long neck, it lives on lakes and rivers
noun - a large farm bird which is usually eaten on special days, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving
noun - a large bird that usually eats dead animals
noun - a bird with a long bill, it climbs trees and drums on them with its sharp bill to get food
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