Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Insects and other similar creatures
noun - a very small black or brown insect which lives in forests etc, lives in large groups and works very hard
noun - a small black and yellow insect, it lives in large groups and makes honey
noun - an insect with a hard and shiny covering of its wings, it is usually black, but can have other colours, too
noun - an insect with big colourful wings and a long thin body
noun - a worm with short legs that exists as an early stage in the life of a butterfly or other insects
noun - a long small insect with many little legs
noun - a large brown insect that you can find in very dirty places
noun - a small brown insect that makes very specific sounds, esp. at night
noun - an insect that lives near water, it has a long body and two pairs of long bright wings
noun - a small brown insect with a long body and two pincers at the end of the body
noun - a small flying insect that produces faint light at night
noun - a small insect that feeds on the blood of animals (or people), it can jump very well
noun - a small insect that can fly
noun - an insect that lives in the grass, jumps very high and far and makes a sharp sound by rubbing its legs together, it is usually green
noun - an insect that looks like a very big wasp
noun, British English - a small red beetle with black spots
noun - a small insect that flies usually at night and bites animals and people to drink their blood
noun - an insect that looks like a butterfly which usually flies at night
noun - a large green insect, it is known that the female eats the male after mating
noun - A small black creature with eight legs. It catches and eats insects
noun - a large hairy spider, sometimes poisonous
noun - an insect that lives in large groups and eats wood
noun - a small creature that holds onto your skin and sucks your blood
noun - A small black and yellow insect. It is usually attracted to sweet things and can sting you painfully
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