Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Fish and other creatures that live under water
noun - the largest mammal on Earth, it lives in the ocean
noun - a fish that lives in ponds etc, in the Czech Republic it is eaten at Christmas
noun - a sea animal that has a hard shell on its back, eight legs and two pincers, it walks sideways
noun - a very intelligent sea animal that swims in groups and can do many tricks
noun - a long fish which looks like a snake
noun - an animal that lives and breathes in water and swims, it hasn't got any legs
noun - a creature that lives in water, it has a soft body without any color, it can sting
noun - a large black and white mammal that lives in seas and oceans, it looks like a giant fish
noun - a small creature that lives in lakes etc., it has a long body and no legs, it can hold onto your skin and suck your blood
noun - a sea animal that has a shell, eight legs and two strong pincers
noun - a kind of shellfish with a black shell, it can be eaten
noun - a sea animal with eight strong arms and a head
noun - a shellfish that people eat and that sometimes produces pearls
noun - a big flat fish with a long thin tail
noun - a large fish with pink flesh, it lives in northern seas but travels up rivers to breed
noun - a very small fish that is often eaten out of tins
noun - a small fish that swims upright, it looks a bit like a horse
noun - a large sea fish with big sharp teeth, it is usually dangerous
noun - a small sea animal with long legs and a shell, it is pink when cooked
noun - a creature that lives in seas and oceans, it has a long soft body and ten tentacles
noun - a sea creature that looks like a star
noun - the young of a frog that have a round body and a tail
noun - an animal that usually lives in water, has a large hard shell on its back and short legs
noun - a very large sea animal that looks like a very large fish
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