Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words connected with babies
verb - to make sounds like a baby who is trying to speak
noun - a very young child
noun - a piece of cloth that you tie under a baby's chin to protect the baby's clothes while it is eating
noun - the moment when you are born
noun - a large piece of cloth or similar material that you can cover yourself with when you're sleeping or lying down
noun - one of the two parts of a woman's body that produce milk
verb - to feed a baby with the milk that comes from the mother's breast
verb - to help a baby to let air out of its stomach after feeding
noun - a small rocking bed for a little child
noun, American English - a kind of bed for a baby which has high sides
noun, British English - an object made of rubber that you put into a baby's mouth in order to make it quiet and happy
noun - a very young child, a baby
noun, British English - a piece of material (paper or cloth) that a baby wears around its bottom
adjective - born very recently
verb - to hold somebody (esp. a baby) lovingly in your arms
noun - a room for a small baby
noun - a bowl that a baby can sit on and use it as a toilet
noun, British English - a small vehicle for carrying a baby or very small child
noun - a toy that little children shake so that it makes a noise
noun - a toy bear made of cloth and stuffed with a soft material
noun - a little child who has just learned to walk
noun - a thing that children play with
noun - two children or people who were born on the same day to the same mother
noun - a light structure that you push in front of you that helps a baby or a disabled person walk
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