Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Things we use every day
noun - a glass or plastic container for liquids, it has a narrow opening on the top
noun - a small plastic object which is used for tidying your hair
noun - a small dish, we usually drink tea or coffee out of it
noun - a material that is used for making bottles, window panes etc.
noun, British English - a kind of small telephone which you can easily carry in your bag or pocket
noun - large pieces of paper printed with latest information about politics, sport, culture etc., it is often published every day
noun - a small book into which you can write things which you want to remember
noun - a thing which you use for writing or drawing, it is usually made of wood
noun - a small metal thing which you wear on your finger as a decoration, it is usually made of silver or gold
noun - a thing that you hold above your head when it is raining in order not to get wet
noun - a small clock which you wear around your wrist
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