Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
noun - the seed of a kind of climbing plant that is used as food
noun, American English - a plant with a large root which is sometimes eaten as a vegetable
noun - a plant with green flower heads that is eaten as a vegetable
noun - a kind of round vegetable with large thick green leaves
noun - a kind of long orange vegetable that grows in the ground
noun - a vegetable with a large white head made of little flowers
noun - a root vegetable used as food, usually in vegetable soups etc., it has a very strong flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked
noun - a long green vegetable with dark green skin
noun - a very aromatic plant that is sometimes used in cooking
noun - a plant that looks a little like an onion, it has a very strong taste and odour
noun - a kind of green vegetable with large leaves that you usually eat raw in salads
noun - a living thing similar to a plant that has no leaves or flower, it grows very quickly, some of them can be eaten
noun - a kind of vegetable with many layers, it is used in cooking and has a very strong smell, which often makes people cry
noun - an herb with small leaves that is used for decorating food or adding taste to it
noun - a vegetable in the shape of a round green seed, it grows in pods
noun - a red or green or yellow vegetable with a sweet or hot taste
noun - a kind of yellow vegetable with brown skin that grows under the ground, french fries or chips are made from it
noun - a large orange vegetable (technically it's a fruit) similar to a melon
noun - a small red or white vegetable that grows underground, it has a strong taste and is usually eaten raw e.g. in salads etc.
noun - a plant with green leaves that are cooked eaten, it is said to contain a lot of iron
noun - a kind of red vegetable that is used for example for making ketchup
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