Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from ‚Wake Me Up When September Ends‘ by GREEN DAY
adverb - once more
verb - to come be
verb - to start
noun - a metal object shaped like a cup, which makes a ringing sound
verb - to come somewhere with something or with somebody, to take something or somebody with you
verb - to arrive, to go in your direction
verb - to make something or someone extremely wet
verb - to drop to the ground
adjective - travelling at a high speed, not slow
verb - not to know something that you knew before
adjective - not guilty, not having done anything bad or wrong
verb - to continue for a particular length of time
verb - to have something no more; to put something somewhere where you can't find it
noun - the ability to remember things
noun - the feeling you have in a part of body that has been hurt
verb - to go past
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
verb - to let your mind and body relax for a while
noun - the first autumn month
noun - the season of the year after winter
noun - one of the many small lights that we can see in the sky at night, which are actually large balls of burning gas
noun - the hottest season of the year
verb - to stop sleeping and open your eyes
noun - 365 days
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