Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
place names from the books and films
noun - (Harry Potter) the school whose girl students took part in the Tri-Wizard Tournament at Hogwarts
noun - (Harry Potter) the home of the Wesleys
noun - (Harry Potter) the magical street in London where you can buy lots of things that a wizard or witch can need
noun - (Harry Potter) the school whose boy students took part in the Tri-Wizard Tournament at Hogwarts
noun - (Harry Potter) the forest near Hogwarts that students are not allowed to go to
noun - (Harry Potter) a village near Hogwarts, where students are allowed to go shopping sometimes
noun - (Harry Potter) Harry Potter's school
noun - (Harry Potter) a pub in the Diagon Alley
noun - the main authority in the world of wizards and witches
noun - (Harry Potter) the street where Harry Potter lives with his uncle and aunt
noun - (Harry Potter) the haunted house in Hogsmeade that everyone tries to avoid, it is connected to Hogwarts by a secret passage
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