Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
All kinds of machines that we use at home
noun - a machine that changes solid food into liquid
noun - a machine for making coffee
noun - a machine that can be used to do maths, type, draw, play games, watch videos, listen to music, surf the internet etc.
noun, British English - a piece of kitchen equipment that has an oven and electric or gas rings to cook on
noun - a device that you can use to make waves in your hair
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
noun - a machine that you use to boil water quickly when you are making tea or coffee
noun - a machine or device that makes the air move
noun - a machine that is used in the kitchen to blend, mix, cut, chop, grate etc.
noun - a refrigerator that keeps food frozen
noun - a piece of electrical equipment where you store food in order to keep it cold and fresh
noun - a machine that you use to dry your hair
noun - a device that produces heat
noun - a system for playing films (from DVD, Blu-ray etc.) with high quality sound (e.g. dolby surround)
noun - a device fastened over the cooker in the kitchen that absorbs moisture and steam produced by cooking
noun - an instrument that you hold in the hand and you use its hot flat bottom to make clothes flat and smooth after you have washed them
noun - a machine that extracts the juice from fruits and vegetables
noun - an kind of oven in which you can cook things very quickly
noun - a machine that mixes things together, especially food
noun - a kitchen appliance in which you can bake or roast etc.
noun - a device or a system that enables people to talk to each other across large distances, you need a number to call somebody using this system
noun - a device that is used for playing music, it receives broadcasts by using an aerial
noun - a device that makes hot sandwiches
noun - a machine that is used for joining two pieces of cloth together with a thread, or for making clothes by using a needle and thread
noun - a machine in which you can make toasts
noun - the instrument that receives picture and sound by radio waves
noun - a machine that you use to clean the carpet of dust and dirt
noun - a machine that you use to wash your clothes
noun - a device that heats water
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