Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words connected with fear, darkness and horror movies
noun - a creature from a different planet
noun - the red liquid that flows inside our body
adjective - wanting violence and blood
noun - a sharp nail of an animal
noun - a wooden box where a dead body is put
noun - two lines or long pieces of something that go across each other, the shape ' X '
adjective - without light and brightness
noun - absence of light
noun - a very evil ghost or spirit
noun - an mythical evil character that lives in hell and has two horns on his head
adjective - wicked, very bad, opposite of 'good'
noun - a feeling you have when you are in a dangerous situation or scary situation
noun - the moon when we can see it as a complete circle
noun - a visible form of a dead person that can usually fly and go through walls etc.
noun - a place in the cemetery where a dead body is buried
noun - a place, usually next to a church, with many graves
verb - (of a ghost etc.) to visit a place and scare people
adjective - (of a house, castle etc.) being visited by a ghost etc.
noun - a great shock or fear
noun - a long cry of a wolf etc.
noun - thin fog
noun - a very large and ugly creature
noun - a body of a person long dead that has been preserved by using special oils and wrapping in strips of cloth
noun - something which is impossible or difficult to understand
noun - a bad or scary dream
verb - to tear quickly or suddenly
adjective - afraid of something, feeling fear
verb - to cry out in terror or intense pain
verb - to produce a loud, high and very unpleasant sound
noun - they are white and they are in your mouth, you use them to chew food
adjective - very frightened
noun - a building or an underground room where a dead person is buried
noun - a stone on a grave, it usually has an inscription with the name of the dead person etc.
noun - a character of horror movies that sucks blood from people (e.g. Count Dracula)
noun - a creature from horror stories, a person who changes into a wolf when there is full moon
noun - a spirit or ghost of a person without any particular shape
noun - a character from horror films, a body that died but has left the grave and walks around at night
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