Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Body parts, organs etc.
noun - the part of the body where the foot is connected to the leg
noun - the curved part of the sole
noun - the part under the arm, where the arm joins the shoulder
noun - one of the tubes through which blood flows from the heart into other parts of the body
noun - the line of bones that goes down a person's back or the back of an animal
noun, informal - a navel, the small part in the middle of your belly
noun - the largest of the toes
noun - one of the hard parts inside your body
noun - the organ that we have inside our head, we need it to think and feel etc.
noun - the parts of a woman's body that produce milk
noun - the soft parts of the body that you sit on
noun - the soft part at the back of your leg below your knee
noun - the line of hair that is above each eye
noun - one of the hairs that grow on the edge of the eyelids
noun - a piece of skin that can cover the eye
noun - the hand with all the fingers closed in, often used to hit something/somebody
noun - the part of the face that is above the eyes
noun - the outer parts of sex organs
noun - a part of the mouth cavity, the teeth grow from it
noun - the shape that usually represents love
noun - the back part of a foot
noun - the side of the body above the leg
noun - one of the sides of the face under the eyes
noun - the part of your face below your mouth
noun - the finger that is often used to point at something
noun - the long tube that carries food from the stomach to the anus
noun - the coloured part of the eye
noun - a face bone that holds the teeth
noun - a place where two things are connected, a place on the body that can bend and where two bones are connected
noun - one of the two organs in your body that separate waste liquid from the blood
noun - a joint on a finger
noun - the smallest of the fingers, the pinkie
noun - a part of the body that cleans the blood
noun - the breathing organs in your body
noun - the finger between the index finger and the ring finger
noun - a part of the body that can be tightened and relaxed in order to make the body move
noun - a thin hard layer covering the ends of your fingers and toes
noun - a small round part in the middle of your belly
noun - the dark part that sticks out from the breast
noun - the flat surface on the inside of your hand
noun, formal - the wide bones to which the legs are joined
noun, American English, informal - the smallest finger
noun - a small opening in the middle of your eye, it looks black and it can get smaller or bigger
noun - one of the long bones that surround your chest
noun - the set of bones in your chest that protect the heart and other inner organs
noun - the finger between the middle finger and the pinkie
noun - one of the two flat bones on both sides of your back
noun - the outer covering of the body
noun - the bones of the head
noun - the bottom part of your foot
noun - the organ in our belly where food goes when we swallow it
noun - the part of the leg above the knee; the top part of a bird's leg in connection with food
noun - the short finger at the side of each hand
noun - the pipe that connects the throat with the lungs
noun - a thin tube in the body that carries blood to the heart
noun - the pipe which connects the throat with the lungs
noun - the part of the body where the hand joins the arm
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