Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words conencted with Christmas
noun - a thing that is made of wax, it has a wick which you can light in order to see in the dark
noun - a religious song that people sing at Christmas
noun - something that is used to make a place or a thing nicer or prettier
noun - a small tree with red berries and dark green leaves, it is often used as decoration at Christmas
noun - a thing on the roof of a house which lets smoke from a fire come out
noun - a holiday that is celebrated on and around the 25th of December, when people give each other presents etc.
noun - one of the Christmas symbols, people usually decorate it and put presents under it
noun - a plant that is used as a Christmas decoration, when a man and a woman meet under it, they have to kiss
noun - a gift, something that you give or get from somebody for Christmas or birthday etc.
noun - a large wild deer that lives in cold northern regions
noun - a narrow piece of coloured material that is used for decoration, e.g. wrapping up presents etc.
noun - a kind of carriage that is pulled by a horse (or horses) over snow
noun - frozen water in the form of a soft white material
noun - a figure made of balls of snow
noun - one of the many small lights that we can see in the sky at night, which are actually large balls of burning gas
noun - one of the pair of coverings for the feet and legs, usually worn by women; at Christmas, Santa Claus puts little presents into it
noun - a thing that we use to cover a present from all sides with to make it look nice
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