Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Things you can find in a bathroom
noun - a piece of material that you put on the floor (esp. in the bathroom) to prevent slipping
noun - a large towel that you use after a bath
noun, American English - a long loose piece of clothing that you wear before or after a bath
noun - a large container for water, in which you can sit or lie and wash your body
noun - an instrument used for cleaning things
noun - a small plastic object which is used for tidying your hair
noun - a piece plastic or other material used to keep privacy when you are in a shower etc.
noun - a small opening in a container etc. that lets the water out
noun - an electric machine that you use for shaving
noun, American English - a kind of handle that you use to let water flow into the washbasin, bath etc.
noun - a mass of small bubbles that form on the surface of a liquid
noun - a thick substance which is neither solid nor liquid (e.g. used e.g. on your hair, in a shower etc.)
noun - a machine that you use to dry your hair
noun - a box where you keep medicines, bandages etc.
noun - a glass surface in which you can see your reflection
noun - an instrument used for shaving
noun - a kind of liquid soap that you use for washing your hair
noun - a piece of equipment which produces a spray of water to wash your body, it can also be a small room or a part of a room where you wash
noun - a thing made from oils and fats which people use to wash their body, it usually smells nice and can be of any colour
noun - a piece of soft material full of small holes, it is used for washing things with, because it easily hold water
noun - a thing that you use to stop water draining from a container (e.g. from a bath tub etc.)
noun - one of the flat square pieces of porcelain etc. that are used to cover the floors in the house or walls (of bathroom etc.)
noun - a large flushable bowl with a seat on it that you can use to get rid of the waste material in your body, a small room with such a bowl in it
noun - soft paper that you use when you go to the toilet
noun - an instrument used for brushing teeth
noun - a substance that you put on the toothbrush and brush your teeth with it
noun - an object usually fastened to the wall on which you can hang towels etc.
noun - a bowl fixed to the bathroom wall, you use it when you wash your hands etc.
noun, American English - a piece of material that you use in a bath or shower to wash yourself with
noun - the common colourless liquid that comes down from the sky as rain, or is in rivers and seas etc.
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