Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words connected magic, wizards and witches
adjective - affected by dark magic
noun - a fairy-tale or mythical creature with wings that breathes fire
noun - a short, fat, bearded fantasy character
adjective - affected by magic
noun - a small magical creature from children's tales that looks like a woman and has wings
noun - a visible form of a dead person that can usually fly and go through walls etc.
noun - a fairy tale creature that looks like a very big, tall and strong man
noun - a supernatural power that can do normally impossible things, by saying secret things and performing secret actions or rituals
noun - a very large and ugly creature
noun - a liquid that has magical powers
noun - a piece of magic done in order to have some kind of effect; magical words meant to cause something
noun - a kind of stick that is used by wizards, fairies etc. to do magic
noun - a woman (usually old) who can do magic and e.g. fly on the broomstick, make potions etc.
noun - a man who can do magic
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