Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from the game about fast cars
noun - the rate at which something gains speed; the act of gaining speed
noun - the outer metal part of a car that is painted
noun - a thing that is used to slow a car etc. down or to make it stop
noun - a strong metal bar fixed to the front and back of a car that helps to protect the car in case it hits something or is hit
noun - the succession of jobs you have
adjective, informal - perfect; very good
noun - the top page of a magazine etc., to outer part of a book
noun, American English - a picture or symbol printed on a special kind of paper that can be used to put the picture onto another surface
noun - a person who drives a car etc. or whose job is to drive
noun - the system in a car that connects the transmission to the drive axles
noun - a machine that makes something move, the inner part of a car etc. that makes it move
noun - a metal pipe at the back of a car through which the waste gases escape from the engine
noun - material that is burned in order to produce heat or to make a machine work
noun - the way something is controlled
noun - one of the bright lights at the front of a vehicle
noun, American English - a part of a car that covers the engine
noun - something that is difficult to do
noun - a device fixed to the exhaust pipe of a car etc. that reduces the noise
noun - bright light produced by a special type of gas that shines when an electric current goes through it
noun - the way and effectivity in which something is done
noun - a competition whose winner is the fastest one
noun - the position on a scale based on quality, success etc.
noun - the money that is returned to you when you have paid too much for something, e.g. in taxes etc.
noun - the general opinion people have about something
noun - something that you get because of something good you have done
noun - the edge around the metal part of a wheel (a tire is put on it)
noun - an opening on the hood or roof of a car that lets the air in in order to cool the engine etc.
noun - the ability to do something well
noun - a protective part for the base of a car
noun - how fast something is
noun - a device that is used on a car etc. to increase the downforce
noun, technical - equipment connected to the wheels of a car etc. that reduces the shocks when the car is going along an uneven road
noun - a device that measures the working speed of an engine
noun - one of the red lights at the back of a car
noun - a race in which there is only one racer and his time is measured
noun - a slight amount of colour in something
noun - the end of an object
noun - a special road used for racing
verb - to make something work properly esp. by setting the controls correctly
noun - the thick dark rubber tube around a wheel of a car, bike, motorbike etc.
noun - a change or a new feature that makes something better or of a higher standard
noun - a large plastic sticker that is used to decorate the body of a car
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