Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from REM's song Leaving New York
adverb - into pieces, in pieces
adjective - not asleep any more
adjective - very good
verb - to come somewhere with something or with somebody, to take something or somebody with you
verb - to check in which ways things are similar and in which they are different
verb - to lose strength, energy, colour, volume etc. slowly
verb - not to know something that you knew before
noun - the look on your face when you do not like what you see or hear, when you are angry or worried
verb - to melt; to stop working because a burned part
noun - the time that will come, the things that will happen to us
verb - to put something in a place where it cannot be found or seen
verb - to make something different, to become different
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
verb - not to take something with you when you leave
noun - unhappiness that you feel when you are alone, with nobody around you
verb - to think about the future and make plans for the future
noun - the ability to remember things
noun - (the chemical element of atomic number 80) a silvery metal that is liquid in normal circumstances, it is sometimes used in thermometers
noun - a kind of jewellery that is worn around the neck
noun - the time before now, before the present
adjective - feeling good about yourself because of what you are, what you have or what you have done
adjective - calm, peaceful, not noisy
noun - a dark shape that is made by an object or person etc. when it blocks out light
verb - to break into many pieces
verb - to manage to do something you want, to manage to achieve something
adjective - certain, knowing something for certain
verb - to make a very serious promise
noun - the part of the leg above the knee; the top part of a bird's leg in connection with food
verb - to make somebody tired
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