Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Slova potřebná pro práci s učebnicí
noun - something that is done, a task in a textbook that should be done
verb - to reply, to say something when somebody asks you a question
verb - to say something and expect an answer or information
noun - a rectangular shape where something is written
verb - to draw a circle around something
verb - to make something whole or perfect
noun - a talk, exchanging information
verb - to find mistakes and make them right
noun - a kind of puzzle in which you have to complete words correctly into square spaces
verb - to perform an action or activity
noun - a physical or mental activity that you do in order to become better or to keep fit
verb - to recognize and understand by using the ears
adverb - in groups of two people
noun - a meeting with a journalist or a possible employer in which a lot of questions are asked
verb - to pay attention when you want to hear somebody or something, for example music
verb - to use your eyes, to try to see
verb - to do something, to produce or create
verb - to connect two things that are suitable for each other
noun - something wrong that you do or think
verb - to write numbers to show the order in which the things go after one another
noun - one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine etc.
verb - to use your finger etc. to show where something is
verb - to decide which of the things comes first, which comes second etc.
noun - a sentence that asks about something and expects an answer
verb - look at words or a piece of text and understand it
verb - to say or do something again
verb - to speak or tell something to somebody in words (spoken or written)
verb - to name the letters in a word one by one
verb, British English - to mark something by a special symbol to show that you have done it, read it, etc.
verb - to open a book at a particular page
verb - to mark a word or a piece of text by drawing a line under it
noun - one of many parts of a sentence that carries a particular meaning
verb - to do an activity or job, especially to earn money
verb - to put words on paper with a pen etc.
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