Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from REM's song The Great Beyond
noun - a big brown animal that lives in forests and mountains, eats other animals and likes honey
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
verb - to make something curved
verb - to get over something that is stopping you
verb - to hit something violently, e.g. as an accident in a car etc.
noun - the images or pictures you have in your head when you sleep
noun - a very large grey African or Asian animal with big ears and a long nose (trunk)
verb - to drop to the ground
noun - the surface of the earth
noun - a very small bird that can fly backwards
adjective - having its flowers open
noun - telling of a story without words only by the movement of your hands, feet etc. and with the expression on your face
noun - a large musical instrument that is played by pressing black and white keys, the strings are in arranged vertically in a wooden case
noun - a large body in space orbiting a sun
noun - the ending of a story or a joke that is very important
verb - to move something away from you
noun - one of the two parts of the body that connects your arm to your body
noun - what you can see
adjective - not speaking, not making any sounds; free from any kind of sound
noun - one of the parts of a shirt or a coat etc. that cover the arms
noun - the system of planets orbiting the sun
noun - an tool that you use for eating with, esp. for soups etc.
noun - steps that people can use to climb from one floor to another
noun - one of the many small lights that we can see in the sky at night, which are actually large balls of burning gas
noun - the world beyond death
verb - to throw; to throw something carelessly
verb - to want something that can happen by luck, to want to do something
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