Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words connected with landscape, scenery and the outdoors
noun - a living creature that moves and lives in water, on land etc.
noun - a place where the coast is curved inwards
noun - the place at the seaside with sand, where you can lie, sunbathe, play etc.
noun - a hollow place inside a rock or under the ground
noun - a large town with many people
noun - the rocks that form the coast of a sea
noun - a strong wall that holds back the water in a river
noun - a dry piece of land usually covered with sand and no or almost no vegetation or life
noun - a large area of open land used especially for farming
noun - lower hills on the base of higher mountains
noun - a large area of land covered with trees
noun - an open piece of land in a forest or wood
noun, American English - a wide road that connects cities, a road with more lanes where cars can drive at higher speeds
noun - a small and low mountain, a raised piece of ground
noun - a piece of land in the middle of a sea, ocean, lake etc.
noun - a large area of water surrounded by land
noun - a wide road with more lanes where cars can drive at higher speeds
noun - a very high hill
noun - a very large area of water, much bigger than a sea
noun - a place where trees with fruit are grown
noun - a track for walking along
noun - a piece of land which is almost, but not completely, surrounded by water
noun - a large area of flat land
noun - an artificial or natural area of fresh water that is smaller than a lake
noun - a line of mountains
noun - a large stream of water that is flowing across the land into the sea
noun - the surface specially made for cars and lorries etc. to travel on, it is usually black with white lines
noun - a large body of salty water, smaller and not as deep as an ocean
noun - a narrow natural flow of water, a narrow river
noun - a place with many houses and buildings where people live, work etc., it is bigger than a village
noun - a very tall plant with a hard trunk and branches and green leaves or needles, people get wood from it
noun - the low place between hills or mountains
noun - a place where people live smaller than a town, it usually has very few houses and almost no facilities
noun - a mountain with a crater that can explode and throw burning rocks into the air, emit hot lava etc.
noun - a place where water falls down from a rock or cliff
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
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