Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
All about the space, the universe etc.
noun - a creature from a different planet
noun - small bodies (smaller than planets) moving through the solar system between Mars and Jupiter
noun - a star whose gravity is so large that even light cannot escape it
noun - a bright thing in the sky that has a light head and a long tail
noun - a group of stars, usually those forming an imaginary picture in the sky
noun - a piece of rock that flies through space and lights up when it enters Earth's atmosphere
noun - a piece of rock from space that has fallen onto the Earth
noun - the body that moves around the earth at 28 day intervals, any natural satellite of a planet
noun - a star that explodes and we can see it become very bright
noun - a path of a satellite that is going around a planet or the path of a planet going around a star
verb - to circle around a body in space (e.g. satellite around a planet, planet around a star etc.)
noun - a large body in space orbiting a sun
noun - a body in space that orbits a planet etc. (e.g. a moon)
noun - the system of planets orbiting the sun
noun - the immensely huge place where there are stars, planets etc.
noun - a vehicle that can travel from earth to space and back and be used again
noun - a vehicle used for travelling between planets or stars, it usually appears in sci-fi
noun - one of the many small lights that we can see in the sky at night, which are actually large balls of burning gas
noun - all the stars, planets, galaxies etc.
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