Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words connected with trains and railways
noun - information given to people
noun - the time when a plane, bus, train etc. comes or is scheduled to come
noun - the suitcases, bags etc. that you carry with you when you travel somewhere
noun - a kind of outdoor seat for two or more people
noun - one of the parts which a train consists of
noun - one of the sections in a train where six or eight people can usually sit
noun - the fact that something happens later than it was planned
noun - the time when a train, plane, bus etc. leaves or is scheduled to leave
noun - a fast train that stops only at large and important stations
noun - the money you pay for a journey
noun - the more expensive and comfortable class in a train
verb - to leave a bus, train, plane etc.
verb - to enter a bus, train, plane etc.
verb - to get off a bus/train etc. and get on another
noun - a place where people can get information, maps, etc.
noun - a vehicle that pulls a train
noun - a person who travels somewhere on a bus, train, plane etc.
noun - the part of a railway station where you get on or off a train
noun - one of the two long metal bars of the railway track
noun - a system of transportation that uses trains
noun - a ticket for a train, bus, etc. that is valid for the journey there and back
noun - a place that you sit on or sit in (on a bus, in a theatre etc.)
noun - the cheaper and less comfortable class in a train
noun - a ticket for a train, bus, etc. that is valid only for the journey there
noun - a place where you can take a train
noun - a piece of paper that enables you to use a train, bus etc, or lets you enter a theatre, cinema etc.
noun - a person whose job is to check the passengers' tickets on a train, bus etc.
noun - the place at a station etc. where you can buy a ticket
noun - a board or a sheet of paper with the arrival and departure times
noun - a set of two steel rails running side by side that a train travels along
noun - a big vehicle that uses railway tracks, it usually has a locomotive in the front and a few carriages, it can carry passengers or goods
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