Vydáno dne 22.10.2005
Words from U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday
preposition - in opposition to, disagreeing with
noun - a fight between enemies
noun - the shout of soldiers who are running against their enemy
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
adjective - full of blood, covered with blood; full of violence
adjective - not working, not in its original shape, made into two or more pieces
verb - to say that you have the right to have or own something
noun - a street etc. that is closed at one end
verb - to make a hole in the ground using a spade, a pickaxe etc.
noun - something that is known to be true
noun - something that has only been made up but is not real
noun - the organ in your body that makes the blood circulate
verb - to pay attention to something
adjective - not affected by something, protected from the effects of something
noun - new information
noun - all the things as they actually are, not as they are imagined
verb - to scatter things on the ground
verb - to damage something by pulling it apart, such as paper, cloth etc.
noun - a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes when you are very sad and cry
verb - to destroy something by pulling it violently so that it breaks into pieces
noun - a long narrow hole in the ground made by soldiers to protect them in a battle
noun - a success in winning in something
verb - to come first in a race, competition, game or fight
preposition - in, inside of, between the boundaries
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